Thursday, October 20, 2011

Step by Step Installation and Configuration of Opalis 6.3 Server

Insert the Opalis s/w CD on the server CD/DVD ROM and let it auto run.
  1. Select Install Opalis Integration Server

2.) Now select Install the Management Server
3.) Click on NEXT
4.) Provide the USER INFORMATION and click NEXT.
5.) Click NEXT.
6.) Provide Logon Information.

7.) Click NEXT.
8.) Click on FINISH (Opalis Integration Server installation has been completed).
Now we will configure the Datastore for the Opalis Integration Server.
  1. Select Configure the Datastore
  2. Select the Database type; in this demo we’ll select Microsoft SQL Server.
  3. Now Provide the SQL Server Details and Click NEXT.
  4. Provide the Database Details and click FINISH (Now Opalis Database Configuration is completed successfully).

Now third step to Import the Licenses.
  1. Select Import a License.
  2. Click on Import and select the Licenses.

Licenses are imported successfully.
Now we’ll Install the Client.
  1. Select Install the Client.
  2. Click on NEXT.

  1. Provide the User Information.
  2. Provide the Destination Folder details wherever you want to install the Opalis Client and Click NEXT.
  3. Click on FINISH.

Now all the Opalis Components have been installed successfully.
Open the Opalis Integration Server Console and verify it.